Friday, June 29, 2012

A List of List Ideas

A List is one of the most basic features of SharePoint. Think of it like an excel spreadsheet - it contains rows and columns of whatever data you want. You can then sort, filter, or group that data in any number of ways and display it on a webpage. In an environment when you have multiple people editing a webpage, sometimes it is advantageous to store information in a List and give a person access to update that, rather than access to the webpage itself.

Here are a few ideas for information you might want to store in a list:
  • a list of items and how much they cost - SharePoint has the ability to automatically calculate the sum
  • a list of questions and answers - you could include a "category" field and then group the list by category
  • a list of people with their contact information
  • a list of award winners
  • a list of events - SharePoint allows you to create views of the data that allow you to only display the current events

1 comment:

  1. Jodi, I'm not familiar enough with SharePoint to provide you with any specific guidance. As I read through your list though, I wonder if a simple wiki might achieve the same purposes (with less technical expertise than what I perceive SharePoint to require)?
