Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Low Tech

In my last post I talked about what technologies I love and couldn't live this post I'd like to look at the opposite end of the spectrum.

I'm been sick for the past week with a nasty head cold (which by the way should be outlawed in summer). I've been taking various forms of over the counter medicines but I just can't seem to shake it. The one thing that has helped: a netti pot. Low tech but genius.

What low tech item do you love?


  1. Interesting question. It is hard to think of a lot of low tech things I rely on. Would paper count? It is low tech, and I use it pretty often.

    1. When the alternative is a keyboard or stylus - I'd say paper counts as low tech!

  2. I do not like electric can openers. Give me a good hand held one anytime! Also, I have a large calendar in my kitchen and mark all important dates like birthdays and doctor appointments on it. I look at the calendar several times a day. I don't use my cell phone too much.

    1. I still use a paper calendar for personal stuff too! At work I'm glue to Outlook, but at home that calendar in our laundry room rules! :)

    2. I hate electric can openers, too! We've had a hand-held one for well over a decade now!!

  3. I love my neti- I can smell again! Low tech... Does a coffee maker count?

    1. I'd say a "normal" coffee maker versus a Keurig counts...although you could argue anything you plug in equals technology. :)

  4. I love all things tech - but also need a yellow legal pad and a good pen.

    1. Yes! There is something therapeutic about writing things down - I almost always default to that and end up later transfering stuff into an electronic form.

  5. Wow! I had to think hard about this one, but I still love the low tech board games. Sure I play lots of video games, but there is something special about a family hurling insults at each other over a marathon Monopoly session.


    1. Oh good call on the board games! I heard Monopoly was getting rid of paper money and switching over to some type of credit model...but maybe that was only in a certain edition. Wonder if that would upgrade it to "high tech"

  6. I make my own pocket calendar. I cannot function with the calendar on my phone (or on my wall). It has to be with me in my purse. And I have to use a pencil because schedules change!

  7. I love my own planner as well. There're something comfortable about having my schedule on paper. :) My favorite is probably my watch. I still can't live without it. Everyone I know uses their phone. I love my watch, it's solar! :)

  8. It is funny that you mention this. Yesterday I took my kids and niece for an outing. We ended up at Ft. Christmas Historical Park where they have a fort from the early 1800's, some houses set up from the same period and then they had a house off to the side from the 1950's. Inside the living room they had a rotary phone. The girls recognized it as such but didn't have a clue as to how it worked. I showed them and they were completely impressed! It was the best thing since the iPhone! They announced they all wanted one in their room. Isn't it funny how technology makes things better but the old is always so nostalgic and fun to play with?

  9. Tanya, that is so funny about the phone! I don't know if my kids would even know what it is!
